Our New Brethenand Officers!
We are moving right ahead with our recently revived chapter! On the left you can see both DeMolays from the Speedway, Indiana Chapter and the Indiana State Chapter who brought our first candidates through the Initiatory Degree. The second photo shows the DeMolay team along with candidates who performed the DeMolay Degree and installed our new officers.
2016 officers were:
Master Councilor: Austin Swank
Senior Councilor: Jonathan Murdock
Junior Councilor: Brody Motts
Senior Deacon: Lane Swank
Junior Deacon: Hunter Swank
Senior Steward: James Phillips
Chaplain: Sam Foster
If you want some fun and want to develope a new sense of responsibility and fraternity, join us!
Contact Chapter Dad Phil Taylor at
(765) 412-0791 or email him at boaz1407@live.com.
You can also contact out Master Councilor, Jonathan Murdock at
(765) 702-3792 or email him at jonathan.d.murdock@gmail.com.