If you ask any of the Brethen of Montgomery lodge 50, you'll get as many answers as there are brothers. It's many different things to many different men. The United Grand Lodge of England sums it up nicely, "Freemasonry means different things to each of those who join. For some, it’s about making new friends and acquaintances. For others it’s about being able to help deserving causes. Freemasonry
is a society of men concerned with moral and spiritual values. Freemasonry instills in its members a moral and ethical approach to life: its values are based on integrity, kindness, honesty and fairness. Members are urged to regard the interests of the family as paramount but, importantly, Freemasonry also teaches
concern for people, care for the less fortunate and help for those in need."
The reasons to join are universal the world over. Take a look at the above video. Let Benjamin Franklin descibe to you what he thinks Masonry is all about.
Watch this video about Masonry produced by
".CBS Sunday Morning"
CHARITY. While Freemasonry itself is not a charity, from its earliest days, charity has been the most visible Masonic activity. Freemasons have always been devoted to caring for disadvantaged children, the sick and the elderly. In fact, Masons in North America give away approximately $2 million to national and local charities each day, of which more than 70% is directed toward the general public. Masons are also actively involved in a great deal of community volunteer work. But personal acts of charity are deemed to be an essential cornerstone of Masonic philosophy, and this begins with agreeing to help, aid and
assist fellow Freemasons and their families.